
Libers by Class

Class A

Books of which may be changed not so much as the style of a letter.  They represent the utterance of an Adept entirely beyond the criticism of even the Visible Head of the Organization.

Class B

Books or essays which are the result of ordinary scholarship, enlightened and earnest.

Class C

To be regarded rather as suggestive than anything else.

Class D

Official Rituals and Instructions.

Class E

Manifestos, broadsheets, epistles and other public statements.

Grade Syllabuses

Probationer Syllabus

Neophyte Syllabus

Zelator Syllabus

Practicus Syllabus

Philosophus Syllabus

Dominus Liminis Syllabus

Adeptus Minor Syllabus

Official Reading Lists

Student Reading List

Extended Reading List

Liber OS vel Abysmi vel Daath Reading List

Works by Author

Aleister Crowley

Allan Bennett

J.F.C. Fuller

Frater Achad

Phyllis Seckler

Marcelo Motta

The Rituals of the A∴A∴

Invocation of Horus

Liber Astarte vel Berylli

Liber HHH

Liber III vel Jugorum

Liber Pyramidos

Liber Resh vel Helios

Liber XXV – The Star Ruby

Liber XXXVI – The Star Sapphire

Liber XLIV – The Mass of the Phoenix

Ritual VIII

Saying Will