Book Reviews

Review: “The Winds of Wisdom”

Posted by on March 25, 2017

Earlier today a good friend delivered me Shoemaker’s new book “The Winds of Wisdom”.  I have now sat with it for approximately three hours which in this case is a fair amount of time being that the book is only about 120 pages – but as with much in life it’s about quality and not…

Review: “The Holy Books of Thelema” Hell Fire Club Edition

Posted by on March 25, 2017

A new edition of the Holy Books is now available through Hell Fire Club Books a boutique book publisher out of England who produces high quality bindings and limited editions of titles of interest to the occult community.  What makes a Hell Fire Club production unique is the craftsmanship of one Eamonn Loughran.  A true master of his trade who lovingly crafts each…

Review: “The Golden Flower”

Posted by on March 25, 2017

About two weeks ago, I received a copy of the book “The Golden Flower” – a wonderful gift from my dear Brother (of no direct blood relations) Ricardo Flores and so I thought I would share my impressions with some of you. First, I should point out that Ricardo’s writings are not at all your…