The A∴A∴ System

Comments on Liber Pyramidos

Posted by on September 23, 2019

We are biased to the Truth, in which we believe and for which we live in the conviction that every event is a projection of that truth. Finally, our experience of truth is only a projection of its influence, so it is precisely the truth that I am talking about now. Even if it were not in the form we could understand in our minds, even if it did not exist at all, it would still be precisely that truth, which does not exist. Why then we named it the truth when its nature is neither true nor false? I do not know…

On the Magical Motto

Posted by on September 23, 2019

The Motto is a metaphor of Will. Choosing the Motto is the Aspirant’s first attempt of the Great Work. Though it is condemned to failure, it will enforce the avalanche of coincidences—the magical links that connect the Aspirant’s mind with the conceptual essence of Adonai, and no matter how this idea is an illusion at its final range, it will slowly begin to materialize in his mind. Even at this moment, no matter how firm your objections are in your conscious, rational mind, it is precisely these words that crush these objections, and right now your thoughts about Adonai are Adonai’s thoughts about you.

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The Grades Correspondences

Posted by on September 23, 2019

Tables of correspondences between the Tree of Life and the Grades of A∴A∴

How it Works

Posted by on March 23, 2019

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The A∴A∴ is an organization whose heads have obtained by personal experience to the summit of this science. They have founded a system by which everyone can equally attain, and that with an ease and speed which was previously impossible. (Book 4, Part II)…

What is an A∴A∴ lineage?

Posted by on March 23, 2019

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. While most initiatory orders work in a system of groups and lodges where members gather in a temple and work together, in the A∴A∴the work is individual. You work alone with the possible guidance of your instructor, who acts as a counselor, not as…

The Three Chiefs

Posted by on March 23, 2019

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Inherited from the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Outer College of A∴A∴ and the Ordo R.C. are governed by a Triad of Officers: The Cancellārius[1]Lat. “secretary”; fem. Cancellāria. (Chancellor), Imperātor[2]Lat. “commander; chief”; fem. Imperātrix, & the Præmonstrātor[3]Lat. “one who points out beforehand;…

Working the A∴A∴ System

Posted by on March 23, 2019

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Since the death of Frater O.M. in 1947 and Frater D.D.S. a few years later, there have been no universal Chiefs of the A∴A∴. Crowley’s appointed successor in the O.T.O., S∴H∴ Frater Saturnus (Karl Germer), 8°=3⸋, was also one of the senior living A∴A∴…

On the Relationship Between a Probationer and His or Her Neophyte

Posted by on March 23, 2019

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. “The Chancellor of A∴A∴ views without satisfaction the practice of Probationers working together. A Probationer should work with his Neophyte, or alone. Breach of this rule may prove a bar to advancement.” —Official pronouncement, The Equinox, I:5. At the very beginning of one’s approach…

The Imprimātur of A∴A∴

Posted by on March 23, 2019

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Imprimātur is Latin for “let it be printed”. The term has been widely used by the Catholic Church in two senses: a) in old times, for authorizing the publication of a book, otherwise to be censored; b) in modern times, as an endorsement of…

The Holy Seal of the A∴A∴

Posted by on March 23, 2019

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. This Seal first appeared in Book 4, Part I (1911). It did not appear anywhere in the first volume (first ten numbers) of THE EQUINOX. The central part—the seven-pointed star and its embellishing features—also appeared in Crowley’s The Book of Lies (1913), Cap. 49….