
For initiation, contact one of the branches listed below.


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Public A∴ A∴ Groups

The A∴A∴ groups listed comprise both of lines directly affiliated with us as well as some who are not. We make no claims of validity, nor may we attest to the quality of another’s work; that is not our place. We aim to provide resources so that others may discover their own path.  Groups known to be antagonistic towards other lines will not be given credence here.

A∴A∴ via Frater V. (Email only)
A∴A∴ via Frater Aureus
A∴A∴ via The House of Thevdos
A∴A∴ via the Temple of Thelema
A∴A∴ via Frater Parusha (Netherlands)
A∴A∴ via The Light is One – Soror Ruach Elohim
A∴A∴ via Frater Kakoupat (California, Email only)
A∴A∴ via Frater A.A.S.V.E. (Spain, Email only)
A∴A∴ via Frater C. (Italy, Email only)
A∴A∴ via One Star in Sight
A∴A∴ via Koyote The Blind
A∴A∴ via Frater Keron-E (Brazil)
A∴A∴ via Abadía de la Serpiente Escarlata (Argentina)
A∴A∴ via Karlsen/Rovelli
A∴A∴ via the Outer College
A∴A∴ via Frater ב 
A∴A∴ via Frater B (Brazil)
A∴A∴ in Albion
A∴A∴ via Frater 939
A∴A∴ via Frater אדני (Brazil)
A∴A∴ via Ordem A∴A∴ (Brazil)
A∴A∴ via Abadia Het Heru (Brazil)